Viewing posts for the category Namibia
Hike the Namib100 with Erns Grundling

“The Namib100 reminds of iconic hikes like the Camino de Santiago and the Kumano Kodo in Japan. Breath-taking and diverse landscapes, excellent food and customer service by the Live the Journey team, and above all silence, silence, silence… A much-needed break from all the demands of modern life and digital technology. Pure bliss!” - Erns Grundling, author and TV presenter
The Namib100 Hike - in a bucket-list league of its own

We've asked Live the Journey owner Jurgens Schoeman and his wife, Karien, to share some of their favourite travel memories of a recent trip to the Namib Desert.
What our guests say

We are grateful for all feedback received from our guests. Here is a selection from recently completed tours.
Namibia: Seven Rivers Tour

As we drove further away from civilization and deeper into the Kaokoland the restlessness in ourselves were replaced by serenity and inner peace. We were far away from any work stress, school exams or new world wars and ready to recharge our batteries in this western corner of Namibia.
Faces of the Namib

Solitaire. Hoe vertaal mens dié pleknaam? Alleen? Afgesonder? Dis gepas die begin van ‘n Life the Journey-reis wat nou al kultusstatus in die kleine gekry het: Faces of the Namib.