Viewing posts for the category Dave Pepler
Capture your most life enriching experience. AND WIN!

Live the Journey believes travel is a life enriching experience and if you have a photograph that illustrates exactly that, you can be a winner. Share and inspire us with the photo of your most enriching travel experience to stand a chance to win the Live the Journey Photo Competition.
Dave Pepler reis saam met Live the Journey in Ethiopie

Dave Pepler was onlangs saam met Live the Journey in Ethiopië.
Ekotoer in lemur-paradys - deur Hanlie Retief

Hou stil! skree Dave Pepler, en die deure van die 4x4 is skaars oop, toe trek hy al doer om ’n verkleurmannetjie uit ’n hond se bek te red. Jou miserabele dier! jaag hy die brak terug en met dié sien ons ons heel eerste verkleurmannetjie op Madagaskar. ’n Bielie. Skelgroen. ’n Panter-trapsuutjie (Furcifer pardalis). Hy lyk nes dié in ons eie voorstedelike tuine, maar dié is die Virgin Active-variëteit.
Dave Pepler se brief uit Madagaskar op RSG se Tjailatyd

Woensdag 27 Mei 2015
Why visit Ethiopia - by Dave Pepler

Live the Journey was recently in Ethiopia with Dave Pepler as the tourleader. Here are his impressions of Ethiopia.