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Collective Nouns - Did you know?

Collective Nouns - Did you know?

When it comes to collective nouns regarding groups of animals, we all know the standard ones. A pride of lions, fish in a school, cows in a herd. You might even know a few of the weirder ones too, like whales in a pod or a murder of crows. Even though these group nouns are rarely used, even by scientists, many of them refer to the behavior of the animals – some quite accurate in their description. Here are some of our favorites:

  • A flutter of butterflies
  • An army of caterpillars
  • A coalition of cheetahs
  • A flamboyance of flamingos
  • A journey of giraffe
  • A gaggle of geese
  • A confusion of guinea fowl
  • A leap of leopards
  • A mischief of mice
  • A prickle of porcupines
  • A crash of rhinos
  • A dazzle of zebras
