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Ethiopian Myths & Legends

Ethiopian Myths & Legends

Once upon a time in a country far, far away, there lived a beautiful queen. She reigned over a kingdom that was prosperous and covered an area that forms part of modern day northern Ethiopia. She was known as the Queen of Sheba. Her subjects were renowned for their distinct craftsmanship and skills. Evidence of this fine workmanship can still be seen today… the Stelae of Axum… monolithic madness! The obelisks were carved out of one piece of rock and stands 82 feet tall. 

Why travel insurance is so important

Why travel insurance is so important

Over the many years that we have been providing life-enriching journeys to our guests, we have unfortunately also had to provide support during a number of unforeseen situations leading to trip cancellations or curtailment.

Why travel insurance is so important

Why travel insurance is so important

Over the many years that we have been providing life-enriching journeys to our guests, we have unfortunately also had to provide support during a number of unforeseen situations leading to trip cancellations or curtailment.

Why travel insurance is so important

Why travel insurance is so important

Over the many years that we have been providing life-enriching journeys to our guests, we have unfortunately also had to provide support during a number of unforeseen situations leading to trip cancellations or curtailment.

Why travel insurance is so important

Why travel insurance is so important

Over the many years that we have been providing life-enriching journeys to our guests, we have unfortunately also had to provide support during a number of unforeseen situations leading to trip cancellations or curtailment.